available placements/career tech categories/Industrial Tech

Industrial Tech (Skill USA)

Industrial technology programs will offer Programs of Study, aligned with industry standards. Beginning with a broad-based industry-focused career exploration course at the secondary level, programs will continue with a coherent sequence of courses within a career cluster through post-secondary education.

Industrial Tech PARTNERS

Miller Electric and Mechanical Logo
TRM Disposal Logo
downing logo
carpenters local 106 logo
Trubank logo
LaunchPad 65 logo
Bussanmas Heating and Cooling logo
Acme Tools logo
Milwaukee tools logo
Kappelman Appliance logo
forrest and associate logo
DDVI general contractor logo
Cementech logo

Course Planning Example

flowchart for course selection

Drafting flow chart
Drafting and construction flow chart

Our Staff Members

Justin Hagans


I grew up on a farm in a small community in Southeast Iowa. Living and working in a small community I saw how important the trades were to the people who lived there and I wanted to give back so I became an Industrial Technology Teacher. Teaching students about the trades and how to work with their hands.

Student Testimonials

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“What I like most about skills USA classes is the opportunity to try new things and hands-on experiences, whether I’m installing a toilet or welding. l am always learning something new and what I have learned I can apply to my life, whether or not I am fixing up a house or chose to have a career inside the trades. I’ve learned a lot through skills USA such as welding, carpentry, and plumbing. When first starting out, I didn’t think I would be able to do any of it and that it would be too hard. These classes have shown me that you just take it one step at a time and that you can build and do anything you imagine.”

Jessica Reeves

Industrial Tech (Skill USA)

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“I like how SkillsUSA gets kids into trades and lets kids try out all of the different trades so they can get an idea of what they want to do after high school. Some of the trades that I liked learning about were plumbing and electrical.”

Owen Cambron

Industrial Tech (Skill USA)